Letter of Thanks from a Scholarship Student

By Laura Manship – Executive Director

Scholarship Recipient D.A.

Scholarship Recipient D.A.

Dear Supporters of StS’ Scholarship Program:The letter below was written by one of the students in our scholarship program.  It has been translated from Spanish into English.  When I read what D.A. wrote, it made me realize how very important these scholarship funds are to the students.

D.A. is writing to YOU — to thank you for helping her, and all the other students, to stay in school.

Dear Donor:

I hope that everything is very well with you and your family, I hope that God will bless your life.

I want to tell you that thank God I have been able to advance with my studies.  We have had a very difficult year in the face of so many situations that have occurred in Honduras, but we trust in God that this year to come will be better and above all be very productive. I am close to finishing the third and last academic term of this year.  I am grateful to God and to you because I am getting closer to my goal. I have advanced very well and without your support none of this would be possible.

I want to tell you that everything is fine with my family.  I take this opportunity to wish you a bright Christmas, full of joy and love.  Also, a New Year full of light and hope. May this year’s achievements be the seeds to be planted and harvested with enormous success for years to come. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I end by sending you a very affectionate goodbye.

Sincerely: D.A.