Alexis 5 years post-FIRST Global

Dear Donor,

Our Robotics team just returned to Honduras from Geneva, Switzerland This was our 6th year participating in the FIRSTGlobal international challenge. Meet Alexis – a member of our 2017 team, who is now a mentor, and even accompanied our students to Geneva.

Alexis is currently completing his undergraduate degree in computer science  engineering. He began volunteering full-time with our students in 2020. Alexis challenged himself to grow and learn so that he could help the team. He learned coding; he began planning and leading team meetings; and he even taught himself English with YouTube and books. Alexis recounts, “I very much had in mind that learning English was a necessity since the 2017 challenge… and to increase my probabilities of professional success I tasked myself to learn.” Alexis is now reading, talking and writing in English – he has even written a CREE blog on all on his own.

We congratulate and celebrate young minds like Alexis – and like so many other bright folks we encounter in Intibucá. That’s why we ask that for Giving Tuesday (November 29th) you remember to support STEM education in Intibucá.

Alexis recounts how STEM education has impacted him, “[it] and my participation in 2017 was transcendental in my deciding what to study,” and also, “in all the positive ways and especially that it was during my early youth because from that point on I acquired so many experiences that will serve me in my professional life, soon to begin.”

We cannot wait for our alumni mentor to graduate in 2023 and we await all that he will contribute to the STEM field and to his community.