Twin’s Favorite Food

This week, we are excited to campaign together with GlobalGiving during the Little by Little Campaign. With just $50, we can provide half a year of eggs to 1 child and our goal is to raise 20 – $50 donationsPLUS from today until Friday, GlobalGiving will match online donations up to $50 at 50%, making your donation go even further! Together you will help get eggs to even more children for half a year!

We share with you a story of twin sisters that highlights just how much one egg a day means to our program participants. Meet Rosa and Daisy, they are twin sisters to a single dad. Earlier this year their mother unexpectedly left the family, taking with her two of her four children. The twins were devastated and lost a lot of weight, yet their dad was determined to keep them healthy. He asked for help from two of his nieces in caring for the twins. Each niece cares for and knows all the preferences of one twin. They are among the first arrivals every month because the twins only eat “eggs, rice, beans and tortillas.” With the help of the eggs Sts gives them, the twins have been gaining weight after the trauma of losing their mother. 

No matter what challenges we or the children in our Hens Hatching Hope program face, positive change is possible Little by Little when we all come together. We are determined to continue helping children like Rosa and Daisy grow. That is why we are writing to you this week. Can you help us get half-a-year of eggs to more children? 


In High Spirit,

Mariela Rodriguez

Communications Coordinator

Thank You for Supporting Student like Antonio

Dear Donors,

Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts on this past July Bonus Day! We shared with you Antonio’s incredible quest to return to school and keep studying in our bilingual high school track, which included him selling his cell-phone to buy school supplies.

We are ecstatic to report that with your help we raised $4,625 and GlobalGiving matched $1,859 – summing our campaign total to $6,484! We, like you, are astounded by Antonio’s perseverance and maturity as we have seen him grow through the years in our bilingual education program (see photo). All of your efforts will continue to support students, like Antontio, who are benefitted by our education and bilingual track program.

Many thanks for your support in our campaign! We could not have done it without you.

Antonio’s Trade for School

Meet Antonio, a colegio bilingual track student. When the pandemic hit in 2020 he dropped out. Yet, I often saw him walking back his classmates from school – he stood out without a uniform. I did not think much of this, but on our director’s most recent trip she reported Antonio had returned to school! Nervous, but confident he sought our director to talk and she was surprised at how much his English had progressed. Antonio shared that he returned to study even after doing remedial classes and being put a year behind his peers. A school administrator also chimed in how Antonio had SOLD his phone to pay for his uniform and supplies. 

We could not believe how a teenager had persevered through so many setbacks and was still able to choose over and over again to keep studying. Antonio realized the value in continuing his bilingual education every time that he walked home with his peers.

That is why we need your help to raise funds for our education program to support students, who like Antonio may face many adverstities in our region, yet choose to keep going.

More than ever your donation means so much to us.

In solidarity,

Mariela Rodriguez

Comunications Coordinator