Baleadas + Sports = Robotics?

Dear Donor,

TODAY is the last day to get your donation (up to $50) matched at 50% for GlobalGiving’s Little By Little campaign!

You may ask yourself, why do Baleadas plus Sports equal Robotics? With our regional LEGO competition quickly approaching, the students of the San Antonio colegio knew they needed to raise funds for the competition.  They turned to two things they knew everyone LOVES — food and sports.

For one day, every grade and their homeroom teacher was asked to cook and sell something to their peers. To keep spirits up, and students hungry, they also organized sports competitions. After a successful day they are another step closer to their goal.

Can you also chip in to help these determined students?

Just like buying a plate of baleadas from these students, this week’s campaign allows even the smallest donation to be matched at 50%!  Whether it is $5 or $50, your plate of “FOOD” will allow these eager hosts to welcome 6 robotics teams to their town to compete and have their STEM skills shine.

You still have time to make your donation —but don’t delay, matching ends at midnight EST today!

Tablets Meet the Textbook & Technology Gap

Dear Donor,

With classrooms open full-time for the first time since the pandemic, teachers are excited to resume use of tablets with students. Why? Because 1 tablet helps meet many needs. Among a few… It ensures textbook access in communities that often do not get any. It increases student’s comfort level with technology, preparing them as professionals. It allows students to work at their own pace and supports professors like Mr. Lidio (pictured above) who teaches 22 students, from all 6 grades, simultaneously in one classroom.

I remember talking to a teacher who did not use a computer until attending college in the city. They lamented not feeling as ready as their peers to complete assignments and projects. This was a huge motivator for why they wanted to use technology with their own students – to improve the cycle. Your support will help us equip teachers like these, with a vision for their youth. Today, as we partner with GlobalGiving your donation can go even farther as donations higher than $100 will be matched. Thank you for helping to bring 1 more tablet to a classroom and placing it into the hands of a student to succeed and grow.

Many Hands Make Light Work

Dear Donor,

The school year in Honduras is from February to November.

Thanks to the generosity of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) we distributed 3,500 tablets and 120+ computers during the 2021 school year.  Also, 1,000 tablets that were donated by the USA Embassy, which we also distributed.  

In 2022, we will continue to work with the 50+ schools who received the computer equipment…so that the teachers and students will have a successful year.

In the photo above, one of our employees, Alex, is working on the configuration and downloading of the 4500 tablets.  It was a HUGE job!  We employed many local young people, to help us with the project.  They learned new skills, and we got the job done on time. It was a WIN-WIN.  Your donations allow us to purchase more computer tablets and servers.

No one can solve all the problems of education in Honduras.  But, working together, Little by Little, we CAN make a difference and make dreams come true!