Educate a Child and Change the World

Children working on projects
Children working on projects

Reading time
Reading time

November 24, 2014
Shoulder to Shoulder is pleased and proud to introduce the Good Shepherd Bilingual School Sponsorship Program to advance our mission in the frontier region of Intibucá, Honduras.

 Why Education?

The river story, often attributed to the social reformer Saul Alinsky, recounts a scene along the banks of a fast moving river.  People are drowning and others are jumping into the river to save them.  One individual leaves the scene to move upstream.  He is initially scolded for abandoning the vital task of saving lives.  But, he is actually searching out the source of the problem to learn why and how people are falling into the river in the first place, in order to resolve the issue.
Education in Honduras is certainly an upriver issue.  Children are only legally required to go to school through the sixth grade.  Public education is free in Honduras.  But when you factor in costs of transportation, books and materials, uniforms, and so on, families that can barely feed themselves are greatly burdened by this “free” education.  Public education is poorly supported by the Honduran government.  Buildings are inadequate and not maintained.  Materials are unavailable or offered at a price that students can’t afford.  Teachers are ill-prepared. These chronic problems affect all of Honduras, but in the neglected area of the frontier region of Intibucá, they are exacerbated.  Children mostly do not continue their education beyond the sixth grade.  The economic reality of most families demands that they assist with farm labor or find other low paying employment.  Whereas Hondurans with some financial means send their children to quality, private schools, poorer families simply do not have the opportunity.

Teachers on break
Teachers on break

It is true enough that children are drowning.  It is a faulted education system that has tossed them into the river.  How many scholars, civil engineers, doctors, physicists, lawyers, artists, musicians, leaders, and visionaries are unknown to Honduras because learning was unavailable to them?  It is a sobering thought.
Shoulder to Shoulder is moving upriver.  Since its inception, Shoulder to Shoulder has invested in quality education for young people.  Our scholarship program enables over one-hundred young people to continue their education beyond the sixth grade, even unto college.  The generosity of donors is matched to young people according to merit and need.  This is making a substantial difference in their lives individually as well as within the communities they come from and will go to as professionals.  In 2012, Shoulder to Shoulder partnered with the Good Shepherd Community of Cincinnati and founded Good Shepherd Bilingual School in Camasca, Intibucá.  The building has been erected and three grades (kindergarten, first, and second) are presently enrolled.
The school is public, accessible to everyone, and offers a quality, bilingual education.  It is the only one of its kind in all of Honduras.  It exists as a collaborative effort among the Honduran Government, the Municipalities of the frontier region of Intibucá, Shoulder to Shoulder, and the students’ parents.  Honduras considers it a model for public education.  It offers unimagined opportunities for its alumni as well as substantive change for Honduras.
Shoulder to Shoulder believes that you, our donors and benefactors, would like to be part of this historic undertaking.  We humbly invite you to seriously consider sponsoring one of the Good Shepherd Bilingual School children.  We are certain that this synergetic relationship of generosity and gratitude will be transformative for both you and your sponsored child.  Your commitment today will illuminate the path from poverty to progress.
Sharing a book
Sharing a book

Help us to move up river!

Rude Roosters and Patty Cake

Luxurious accomodations
Luxurious accomodations

November 22, 2014
She hasn’t had a good night sleep since coming to Honduras.  It isn’t sleeping in a tent on a concrete floor under the stars.  The tent, after all, is placed over a semi soft mattress.  It’s not the time change, only an hour’s difference.  The tropical warmth doesn’t seem to bother her, even though she does live in Wyoming and it is mid-November.  Those squirmy and crawly things are close by, but she’s not the type to jump up on a chair at the threat of a mouse.  What is it then that keeps her awake half the night?  She had once been told, and always believed it to be true, that roosters only crow to greet the sunrise.  Actually, and this is not scientifically proven, roosters crow because they abhor silence, beginning their wrenching screams sometime around midnight and only slowing down sometime after dawn.  Unfortunately, here in the frontier region of Intibucá, in the small village of Agua Salada, this tone-deaf choir outnumbers the human population by at least three to one.
Crowds waiting to be seen
Crowds waiting to be seen

Family with twins
Family with twins

On Tuesday she is dragging a little bit.  Perhaps that’s why the brigade leaders have given her light duty, fitting and distributing reading glasses.  Still, when it’s real slow, she might be asked to assist with an injection or minor surgery.  On occasion the pharmacy gets busy and she’s called over to fill prescriptions.  On Monday, one of the leaders guessed that they saw about 120 patients.  Perhaps everyone had shown up on the first day, but on Tuesday there are actually more.  The word must be traveling to the more outlying districts.  Whether tomorrow will bring more, or whether it might start to wane, no one is sure.  But hundreds come, lined up for hours, to see one of the four doctors available; to get a diagnosis, a prognosis, a word of assurance and comfort sometimes in broken Spanish and sometimes via translators, a medication, a treatment, and some relief.
Trying on glasses
Trying on glasses

If that is all the Wyoming Brigade does, it’s certainly a great deal.  But the generosity extends beyond the clinic and into the homes and lives of the residents of Agua Salada.  They came with hygiene supplies.  They came with school supplies.  They now provide school scholarships for five local children and look to provide more.  This is not simply about a generous gift, but rather it is about the commitment of relationship.  The University of Wyoming partners with the community of Agua Salada and Shoulder to Shoulder such that enrichment, development, transformation, and meaningful growth are deeply rooted into the hearts of all involved:  brigade members, beneficiaries, community leaders, and all who are committed to the relationship.
Later in the day when the lines are receding, the young nursing student who hasn’t gotten much sleep due to the rude roosters, might have slipped away to grab an hour or two siesta.  She doesn’t speak Spanish, but all day long she’s been using the international language of play with children.  I spy her now with two girls, maybe seven and eight years old.  They are fully engrossed in a game of “patty cake” — mimicking, mirroring, and hand slapping.  The smiles on their three faces, the sign of commitment and love, are the most powerful medicine that the University of Wyoming has distributed all day.
Patty cake
Patty cake

Yo Puedo Retreat 2014

November 19, 2014
This past weekend, a phenomenal event occurred for the Yo Puedo (I Am Able) girls. Yo Puedo is a peer empowerment program for girls in the fifth and sixth grade. In peer reinforced education, they are empowered to learn skills, become responsible, grow in self esteem, and start small businesses that they themselves manage and operate.

A creative activity.
A creative activity.

On Saturday, November 15 through Sunday, November 16, eleven girls, representatives from the twelve Yo Puedo sites from the many towns and villages of the Intibucá frontier region, came together for their second annual retreat at the Santa Lucia Clinic. Grateful for the support of teachers, parents and administrative personal from Shoulder to Shoulder, the girls celebrated successes of the past year and looked forward to new events for this coming one.
The girls received permission from their parents. A hired car drove across the frontier region, collecting girls from the various schools. They were ecstatic to see the car, confirming the reality of the retreat. Arriving in Santa Lucia Clinic around midday, the girls ran desperately to reserve their beds, covering them with personal items. A few minutes to rest, then onto lunch.
After lunch, the activities commenced. The girls introduced themselves and participated in several activities, each with its own special lesson. The “Birthday Line,” for example, had the girls line up according to their birthdays. Without using any words, this was comical, but it also demonstrated the importance of non-verbal communication and teamwork. For the activity “Treasure Bag,” two groups were given a bag including paper, crayons and markers, masking tape, scissors, with other items, and were asked to create something meaningful. They organized themselves around the project, demonstrated flourishing creativity, and recognized that each girl had a specific, critical role to play in the process.
Finding Self-Esteem.
Finding Self-Esteem.

Near the end of the retreat, a few videos on self-esteem and goal setting fueled discussion about the girls’ short and long-term goals. The success of the retreat was evidenced by how well the girls came together and found their voice.
Minsis Ramos Diaz, Coordinator for Yo Puedo, is grateful to the generous hearts of sponsors. The unconditional support is truly what our young people need. The girls are taking to heart the power of the simple phrase, “I Am Able.”