Taking Interest

Traveling Clinic to Clinic
Traveling Clinic to Clinic

January 24, 2015
From what I heard, Buffalo, NY had about a thousand feet of snow this year.  I would assume the nine graduate students and one professor from the University of Buffalo, School of Pharmacology experienced quite a shock last Monday when they arrived here in Honduras.  They certainly did pick the best time of the year to come.  They ended up at Shoulder to Shoulder’s clinic in Santa Lucia, one of the hottest, driest, and lowest spots in all of Honduras.  The climate must have been a great shock, though perhaps a welcome one, to their bodies.  The culture shock must have been pretty intense as well.  They took two days to get to Santa Lucia from Tegucigalpa.  They spent Monday night in a nice hotel in Siguatepeque about an hour and a half outside Tegucigalpa.  The next day, however, was about five and one half hours over and down the mountains, four of which they traveled on the treacherous dirt roads, washed out and eroding.  They arrived to be confronted with trickle showers, low power electricity, spotty and slow internet, the new ways of a new people, and everyone speaking Spanish.
Shoulder to Shoulder is excited to have the University of Buffalo here for the first time.  The pharmacology school offers a unique brigade experience.  They offered workshops with various groups like the pregnancy club in Magdalena where Laura and I met up with them.  They were able to offer insight to the women relative to what medicines can and can’t be taken during pregnancy, how pharmacology works in health in general, preventative care strategies, etc.  The doctors and nurses at the various clinics and health centers were impressed and pleased with the brigade work.  The doctors and nurses, and even the health promoters, are so often overwhelmed dealing with large volumes of patients and emergencies that they don’t find the time for teaching prevention and home health care.  The work Buffalo did was tremendously valuable and greatly appreciated.
Weighing babies in Magdalena
Weighing babies in Magdalena

The students were thoroughly enjoying their cross-cultural, service experience.  None of them spoke Spanish, though the interpreters were excellent.  Many had been to foreign or developing countries in the past.  Their leader student, Ciera, had been twice to the Dominican Republic on service trips.  She hopes that this early commitment from Buffalo will be a long and meaningful one for the school.  We hope so too.  Speaking with one of the participants about how he was experiencing the culture and the people, he paused and thoughtfully reflected.  He shared that so much of person’s lives in the US are consumed with the acquiring of things.  Here people are much more present to other people.  People really take sincere interest in one another, and things are just not so important.
We are certainly taking interest in you, Buffalo.  You have so much to offer.  We thank you for your generous, unselfish response.  We will be looking forward to your return.  Hopefully it will again be in January so you can all get away from the snow, ice, and cold.
Buffalo in Santa Lucia
Buffalo in Santa Lucia

25 Years: The Dignity of Working Shoulder to Shoulder

25th anniversaryJanuary 15, 2015
The 1969 war between Salvador and Honduras, sometimes referred to as the Soccer Wars or the Hundred Hours War, left many parts of Honduras bordering El Salvador isolated, with shortages of basic services and infrastructure.  These effects last into the present day where, in the southern section of the department of Intibucá, services and infrastructure remain scarce and tenuous.  In 1990, the small municipality of Santa Lucia suffered disproportionately the price of a war two decades past.  Here there was no physician, no non-profits or relief agencies, no electricity, and the only water came from the community tap in the center of town.
Meanwhile at the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Jeff Heck, part of the junior faculty, was organizing a medical brigade to Honduras to be sponsored by Ruth and Daniel Castro from the Christian Medical and Dental Society of Honduras.  Could any of the participants on that brigade really have known what they were getting into?  Had they known, would they have gone?  And what amazing things would spring forth from the innocence of their good will!!  A team of twenty, including five physicians, slept on the floor at the school and municipal building.  They worked from sunup to sundown and saw 4000 patients, assisted by the public health nurse, the only medical professional working in the area.  The community asked them to return.

First Brigade Visit in 1990
First Brigade Visit in 1990

Hombro a Hombro Board
Hombro a Hombro Board

At this point, anything could have happened.  The University of Cincinnati might have thought the project a folly and ended their support and funding.  The project could have continued by way of sending brigades year after year to simply respond to physical needs.  But what did happen was so much greater and so amazing.  Relationships were forged, formed, and evolved, creating a synergy that profoundly transformed the lives of everyone committed to those relationships.  In 1993, with money left over from a $1 million grant to study diarrhea among travelers to the tropics, construction on the first clinic began.  A team of professional builders volunteered much of their time and talent, many of the building supplies were donated, and Chiquita Brands assumed the expense of shipping materials.  Good will, service, caring, and the integrity of human relationship united to become a permanent site for healing and development.
After four or five years, Daniel and Ruth Castro suggested the name Shoulder to Shoulder, becoming interchangeable with Hombro a Hombro.  Few organizations title themselves according to their philosophy.  In extensive conversations among faculty at the university, among students and brigade participants, among community members in Cincinnati and Honduras, it was clear that this project would not survive or thrive save for the intricate participation of those served, the Hondurans themselves.  The living of that philosophy was as much practical as it was ideal, given that so few from Cincinnati spoke Spanish and were only in Honduras once or twice a year.  Whatever the motive, the philosophy secured the dignity of the persons served.  Shoulder to Shoulder, Hombro a Hombro, became sustainable as Hondurans themselves took ownership of the service, care, and empowerment that has always identified its vision and mission.
Ruth and Daniel Castro
Ruth and Daniel Castro

Twenty-five years ago, a few professors, doctors, and medical students from the University of Cincinnati offered a hand of assistance to a desperately poor and oppressed people.  They did so with respect, recognizing that Hondurans themselves would own and manage their health care and development.  Shoulder to Shoulder was once small and from Cincinnati.  Twenty-five years later, Shoulder to Shoulder/Hombro a Hombro, is big and from Honduras, Cincinnati, and the world.  Shoulder to Shoulder once responded exclusively to the physical needs it encountered.  Twenty-five years later, Shoulder to Shoulder/Hombro a Hombro, responds to the inherent dignity of all life and seeks to empower and develop relationships of liberation and justice.
Santa Lucia Clinic Construction
Santa Lucia Clinic Construction

In tribute to Shoulder to Shoulder and in anticipation of the reunion brigade scheduled for May of this year, Dr. Jeff Heck reflects,
“Some of the best people I know have been involved with Shoulder to Shoulder from all walks of life, all with different perspectives, faiths and otivations.  The majority have been motivated by a genuine concern for people left behind and have been willing to make great sacrifices on their behalf.  Shoulder to Shoulder has done much to help physicians, nurses, dentists, and other health professionals restore their idealism that motivated them to join their professions in the first place. I count myself fortunate to have watched radical transformations in many people. Thus it is difficult to say who benefited the most:  the Hondurans or the North Americans who came to ‘help’.” 
All of this because twenty-five years ago, twenty people came to Honduras to offer some limited, medical service.  Imagine!!