Help Little by Little

Dear Donor,

Mark your calendars! Because starting Monday GlobalGivings’ Little by Little campaign will allow your small donation to shine.

April 3-7, we’re celebrating the BIG difference little acts of kindness can make to the lives of our scholarship students. We will be highlighting TWO recent graduates so you can hear the impact of the program on our Intibuca students. And we are setting a goal to raise 25, $50 donations that will provide 6 high school students with a year-long scholarship

Every donation from our Shoulder to Shoulder community is an achievement because together Little by Little we are taking steps towards a brighter future for our students – so don’t forget to set a reminder for NEXT WEEK.

Volunteering “Across the Pond” in Honduras

By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Jake, Oli, Minsis (StS Asst. Director) and Jasmine

Jake, Oli, Minsis (StS Asst. Director) and Jasmine

Another school year in Honduras is well underway, and we are excited for a new partnership with Project Trust!  As an organization, they connect gap-year students  (high school graduates, taking a year off before university) from the United Kingdom with partners abroad. Project Trust’s Honduras representative, Jake Compaan, who also serves as director for the ‘Vida Abundante’ bilingual school in Yamaranguila, connected us with two young women from “across the pond” who have now travelled all the way to our bilingual school in Camasca.Oli and Jasmine, will be spending half a year with us and they have already hit the ground running, by hosting an English enrichment program with our bilingual junior/senior high school students during their first month. And now that school is in session, they are happy accompanying our elementary school bilingual school students in their daily routines.

Their help will be invaluable as ANY volunteer at our school always provides an opportunity for our children to practice their pronunciation and vocabulary. We are excited to see what other projects they get involved in while they are down in Camasca and wish them a wonderful learning expereince that they can share with peers in the future.

Welcome Oli and Jasmine, we are happy and excited to have you in Camasca!


Investing in our Scholars

By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Robert, Yeimy and their family

Robert, Yeimy and their family

As a new school year is quickly approaching, we reflect on our students’ accomplishments in 2022. With your help, 19 scholarship recipients graduated from high school in 2022. We are excited to have another generation of youth who are reaching their goals and defying the odds to finish their secondary eduations.Another great accomplishment in 2022 was our partnership with The Christine Merveil Never Back Down Foundation whose mission it is to sponsor underserved youth with vocational skills training, entrepeneurship education and establishing microbusinesses. Our first scholar recipient, Robert, received funding to cover barber training and equip him with materials to open a shop. His sister, Yeimy, was also selected as a recipient and is currently in beauty school.

Additionally, Shoulder to Shoulder provided the siblings with funds to renovate a business work space. Together, these two siblings are sharing a business to help support their family — which includes their single mother who cares full-time for a handicapped sister.  Meanwhile, Robert continues to study on the weekends! We are happy to stand behind their family and believe in these two youths’ abilities, equipping them to build a brighter future for themselves and their family.

Click here to watch a video of this exciting collaboration.

We cannot wait for what 2023 will have in store for our students and this new partnership. We thank you for choosing to support and believe in our youth.