Preparing Professionals Who Give Back

By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Students digging trench at STEM Center

Students digging trench at STEM Center

We are now halfway through the school year, and our scholarship students have been refreshed with a package of supplies to help them finish up the year. Our scholarship coordinator, Nelly, continues to meet with the five colegios to assess any pending needs which not only include your typical pencils and shoes, but some students need more specialized equipment like electrical tools or professional attire to complete their internships. Your dedication to our students helps remove yet another stressor in completing their education, allowing them to focus solely on their schoolwork and graduating. And as a way to give back to their community, students conduct a small project. With Honduras experiencing a heavy rainy season, many places in Honduras have flooded. Among one of those places was our recently built STEM Center in Camasca. The scholarship students there decided to help solve the issue by digging a trench to redirect the water that was otherwise flowing into the entrances of the STEM Center.

The rainy season is not yet over and small projects like these help our young professionals learn that giving back to their communities, in whatever way they are able to, has just as much impact as the help they are receiving.

We wish our students a wonderful end of the year as our program prepares to graduate another generation of students who have prospered amid all the social barriers they face and that COVID-19 has thrown their way.

We appreciate your support to our youth’s education and for believing in their potential.

Student with tools given by program

Student with tools given by program

Ready for her internship in professional attire

Ready for her internship in professional attire

Lend a Robotic Hand to Honduras

Dear Donor,

This week we’re celebrating the power of the crowd for GlobalGiving’s Little by Little campaign. From today until Friday, GlobalGiving will match online donations up to $50 at 50%.

Little acts of kindness will have an extra BIG impact — here we share a recent story of a robotics donation.

Our LEGO Robotics Regional competition is back. However, teams were short on pieces to build their dream machines and sourcing Legos in Honduras has not been easy.

Shoulder to Shoulder’s robotics mentor, Alan Ostrow, heard and reached out to his community in the US. And a group of young elementary students, lead by their mentor Sally, were determined to help. They assembled 12 kits containing all different sizes and colors from old LEGO sets.

A completed robot is a culmination of skills in STEM, in leadership, in teamwork and self-confidence. Piece by piece, little by little these students lent a robotic hand to help our students innovate toward their competition goals. 

With this we are one ‘LEGO’ piece closer to making the competition become a reality … because when we all come together with compassion, there’s no telling what we can do.

Please make a donation to help us reach our goal. 

Baleadas + Sports = Robotics?

Dear Donor,

TODAY is the last day to get your donation (up to $50) matched at 50% for GlobalGiving’s Little By Little campaign!

You may ask yourself, why do Baleadas plus Sports equal Robotics? With our regional LEGO competition quickly approaching, the students of the San Antonio colegio knew they needed to raise funds for the competition.  They turned to two things they knew everyone LOVES — food and sports.

For one day, every grade and their homeroom teacher was asked to cook and sell something to their peers. To keep spirits up, and students hungry, they also organized sports competitions. After a successful day they are another step closer to their goal.

Can you also chip in to help these determined students?

Just like buying a plate of baleadas from these students, this week’s campaign allows even the smallest donation to be matched at 50%!  Whether it is $5 or $50, your plate of “FOOD” will allow these eager hosts to welcome 6 robotics teams to their town to compete and have their STEM skills shine.

You still have time to make your donation —but don’t delay, matching ends at midnight EST today!