Tablets Meet the Textbook & Technology Gap

Dear Donor,

With classrooms open full-time for the first time since the pandemic, teachers are excited to resume use of tablets with students. Why? Because 1 tablet helps meet many needs. Among a few… It ensures textbook access in communities that often do not get any. It increases student’s comfort level with technology, preparing them as professionals. It allows students to work at their own pace and supports professors like Mr. Lidio (pictured above) who teaches 22 students, from all 6 grades, simultaneously in one classroom.

I remember talking to a teacher who did not use a computer until attending college in the city. They lamented not feeling as ready as their peers to complete assignments and projects. This was a huge motivator for why they wanted to use technology with their own students – to improve the cycle. Your support will help us equip teachers like these, with a vision for their youth. Today, as we partner with GlobalGiving your donation can go even farther as donations higher than $100 will be matched. Thank you for helping to bring 1 more tablet to a classroom and placing it into the hands of a student to succeed and grow.

Our Hens Are Hatching MORE Hope

By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Children receiving their eggs

Children receiving their eggs

We are halfway through 2022 and our nutrition project has now been running successfully for 18 months. In that time we have served 300 children between the ages of 6 to 24 months.Hens Hatching Hope started as a simple idea of providing one egg a day per child to support nutrition. And eggs seemed like a great place to start because they are a staple food of Honduran cuisine. Our team worked hand-in-hand with local health promoters who did monthly height and weight checks. Once a mother brought in her child, they received another ticket for 30 more free eggs. Health promoters have seen HIGH compliance as the mothers come in excited to receive next month’s supply. Making both the mothers and the health promoters happy.

Additionally, we have supported 27 women starting their own small businesses to produce and provide eggs for our project – building the producers into the community. All of our “farms” are doing well and have even been able to sell extra eggs for profit.

As a result of this combination, we are excited to EXPAND our project moving forward to include children up to 36 months for our second year. Meaning, our hens are hatching more hope in Intibuca. With this expansion we will now be benefiting 500 children plus our 27 farms have all decided to continue partnering with us!

We are hoping year 2 will be just as successful in supporting the nutrition of these children and their futures. Thank you for entrusting us to make this project possible.

Filling Backpacks with the Opportunity to Continue Studying

By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Concepcion scholarship recipients 2022

Concepcion scholarship recipients 2022

The 2022 school year is in full swing with much excitement as schools are meeting fully in-person for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic! Students are shifting gears in doing schoolwork from printed packets with limited interaction – to participating in class with teachers and doing more groupwork with peers. Hands-on schoolwork also means more expenses for families when buying materials for projects, which can often mean a family choosing between purchasing food for their family of 7 or spending money on materials for 1 child’s projects. But for the 112 students in our scholarship program, your donations are helping to remove one more barrier towards their education.While on-the-ground in Honduras I talked to parents and asked if they would send their promising students to a colegio (7-12th grade), many blatantly said “no” because it is known that more educational expenses come with this stage of study. This decision was made despite the student’s interest in continuing their education and highlights the great assistance our scholarship program provides. Our program coordinator, Nelly Milla, works to meet with each of our 7 municipal schools to put together an educational “kit according to the priorities of each modality and academic grade of the beneficiaries.” This year’s kits were delivered in backpacks, one per student. Below are some pictures with their kits in hand, ready to prosper for this school year.

Magdalena scholarship recipients 2022

Magdalena scholarship recipients 2022

Santa Lucia scholarship recipients 2022

Santa Lucia scholarship recipients 2022