$10 a month = 2 computer tablets

Dear Donor,

From December 13th through 17th, GlobalGiving will make a 200% match on your first monthly donation.  Why?  Because GlobalGiving knows that recurrent donations are vital for nonprofits.

Your monthly donation is a partnership with Shoulder to Shoulder to continue making education affordable and accessible to Honduran youth.  Without education, there is no future.  The only way to break the cycle of poverty is to improve education.

Shoulder to Shoulder has expanded digital education to 50 schools.  Now, we need to provide enough tablets for the students in these schools.

Almost at the End of our First Year

By Laura Manship – Executive Director

Maria, her baby, and her hens

Maria, her baby, and her hens

It’s hard to believe — but we’re almost at the end of our first year of Hens Hatching Hope: Un Huevo Cada Dia.We started this project in January 2021.  This is what we have accomplished so far:

– 25 women, in 25 different communities, are raising hens

– 300 mothers take their children (6 months – 2 years) to monthly check ups at the health centers.  They receive a ticket for 30 free eggs.

– 300 children receive an egg a day through the project.

– Children’s heights and weights were taken in January 2021, July 2021, and again in January 2022.  We are working with a professor at the University of Southern Georgia, to analyze the data.

Currently, we are in the process of evaluating the year, and working on improvements we want to make for our second year.


We couldn’t have done it without our wonderful donors and supporters!

Give a Computer Tablet

Dear Donor,

Eighth grade student, Jessica, was thrilled to receive a tablet from her teacher.  The tablet was loaded with the Honduran curriculum for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade.  Now, even though students only attend classes two days per week (due to the covid pandemic), the teacher can assign work to Jessica, and she can do it at home.  There is no need for internet — the tablet came loaded with all the material she needed.

StS has provided 4500 tablets loaded with the Honduran curriculum to students in junior and senior high schools in rural Honduras.  Tablets open the world to students….and allow them to continue their education!

Your donation on Giving Tuesday, will allow Shoulder to Shoulder to purchase more tablets.  GlobalGiving has $1 million dollar incentive fund to share with non-profits.  Your donations brings those matching funds to StS.