Eggs: Enticing Mothers to Come to the Health Center

By Laura Failla Manship – Executive Director

Mothers, fathers, and children at health center

Mothers, fathers, and children at health center

For the past two years, we have been writing about two of the benefits of our “Hens Hatching Hope: Un Huevo Cada Dia” project.  Those are:(1) Eggs provide much needed nutrients to the target group of children from 6 months of age to 3 years of age; and

(2) The microloans, and StS’s purchases of eggs, help to sustain 25 women run small hen raising businesses.

Today we want to write about a third benefit of the project.  This is:  mothers (or fathers) can only receive their vouchers for 30 free eggs by attending a monthly health check up at their local health center. 

During this visit, not only do they receive the vouchers, but they are seen by a Health Promotor, who weighs and measures the child, and answers any medical questions the family might have.  If there are any medical issues, a consultation with the medical provider happens right then and there.  As an added bonus, health education presentations are also provided to the parents.

The local medical providers are thrilled that due to the Hen Hatching Hope project, there is an almost 100% attendance rate at these monthly visits.  Free eggs entice the mothers to come — but the education the families receive, and the medical care received, are invaluable assets to improving health outcomes for the 400 children in the project.

Thank you to all of our Hens Hatching Hope supporters!

Investing in our Scholars

By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Robert, Yeimy and their family

Robert, Yeimy and their family

As a new school year is quickly approaching, we reflect on our students’ accomplishments in 2022. With your help, 19 scholarship recipients graduated from high school in 2022. We are excited to have another generation of youth who are reaching their goals and defying the odds to finish their secondary eduations.Another great accomplishment in 2022 was our partnership with The Christine Merveil Never Back Down Foundation whose mission it is to sponsor underserved youth with vocational skills training, entrepeneurship education and establishing microbusinesses. Our first scholar recipient, Robert, received funding to cover barber training and equip him with materials to open a shop. His sister, Yeimy, was also selected as a recipient and is currently in beauty school.

Additionally, Shoulder to Shoulder provided the siblings with funds to renovate a business work space. Together, these two siblings are sharing a business to help support their family — which includes their single mother who cares full-time for a handicapped sister.  Meanwhile, Robert continues to study on the weekends! We are happy to stand behind their family and believe in these two youths’ abilities, equipping them to build a brighter future for themselves and their family.

Click here to watch a video of this exciting collaboration.

We cannot wait for what 2023 will have in store for our students and this new partnership. We thank you for choosing to support and believe in our youth.


Growing Alongside Us

Each of our projects in Honduras provide individuals with opportunities…  

to learn, to grow, to improve their futures, and to believe in themselves.  

Our Hens Hatching Hope program is wrapping up its third year. When we first started, we were not sure if we would get past year one. We have truly been amazed at the support over these crucial years of growth. And we wanted to share a story of someone who has grown alongside us.  

Meet Leonor, a woman who joined our endeavor back in 2021. She received a microloan to start a hen farm and provide eggs for the program. However, Leonor was determined to do things well. She began observing a difference in the productivity of her hens. And so, Leonor began to separate her hens into 2 coops – by age to ensure a continuous variety of laying and growing hens. This key detail has grown her hen business tremendously! And with her success Leonor started additional small businesses:  

One, selling hens to community members who seek her out.  

Two, selling fresh baked bread and  

Three, a small corner store. Additionally, Leonor is passing on knowledge of hens to her daughters, who help with the farm.  

Our Hens Hatching Hope program has had a double impact to the women who receive a microloan to start hen businesses in each community and to the children receiving eggs. We are grateful for your continued commitment to Shoulder to Shoulder’s mission and programs.