Brigade Quote: Nursing

To me Shoulder to Shoulder is healthcare, education, hope, fun and full of friends.  It allowed me to practice nursing, practice my Spanish, explore a new area and make new friends.  I saw how hard everyone was working to bring health care and education to Honduras and the endless hours the staff puts in order to reach that goal. I had an amazing time with Shoulder to Shoulder and hope to work with them again soon.” Emily Bodner

Brigade Quote: Proven Record

Shoulder to Shoulder, Hombro a Hombro, has been a positive experience in my life….All of us learned, some were frustrated because of the immense poverty and big problems. I kept saying, Rome was not built in a day…” STS is a proven record…you will never be sorry about the time or money you invest in the health of the people from Honduras.”
Julio Aponte, M.D., Cleveland Clinic