Education is Power

By Laura Manship – Executive Director

Manuel with Nutrition Curriculum

Manuel with Nutrition Curriculum

It has been a very exciting 3 months. We just learned that the Mathile Institute will provide Shoulder to Shoulder with a grant of $50,000.  This is a matching grant…..we need to raise $50,000 so that the program will be funded for an entire year.  We started the new project year on September 1, 2018.  With luck — and lots of supporters — we can keep the program going until August 30, 2019.Along with distributing the Chispuditos micronutrient product, we are now also providing nutritional education to the mothers and fathers in our program. Thanks to the generosity of Jessica Minesinger, one of the members of Shoulder to Shoulder’s Board of Directors, Community Health workers now have a nutrition curriculum to use. We are hopeful that this education will also help to improve the health of the children in our program. Families lack information about good nutrition, and many children fill up on sugary drinks and salty snacks.

Mallory Brown recently made a video in which she featured our program director, Gisela Ramos.  In the video, you see Gisela using the educational curriculum while making a presentation to the families.  If you’d like to feel like you’re hiking along the mountains of Honduras, providing the micronutrient supplement to families, watch this video!

Heath Promoters learning the curriculum

Heath Promoters learning the curriculum

Technology is Fun

By Laura Manship – General Director

Using tablets in a classroom

Using tablets in a classroom
Shoulder to Shoulder has installed the KA Lite program in all the classrooms at our Bilingual School.  (KA Lite is the non-internet based program of the Khan Academy.)  Each classroom is equipped with a server and projector, so that the class can watch world-class educators providing math lessons.  Then, the children get to do math problems, using tablets.  They love being able to go at their own pace, as they challenge themselves, using the tablets.
We received a grant from the organization, that will allow us to expand this program into other elementary, middle, and High Schools.  So far, we have installed the technology in 7 High Schools, 2 elementary schools, and 7 middle schools.
We are getting the children of the Frontera to be EXCITED about MATH.  Can you believe that?!
How excited are the students?  Well, at one High School, the students are so eager to get into class and get their hands on the tablets, that we had one young man actually trip over a chair, in his rush.  (Fortunately, it was a plastic chair, and no one was hurt.)  But, when was the last time you heard about a student running into a classroom to ensure that he was one of the lucky ones who had a tablet to use?!
We are also expanding into ROBOTICS.  Our Honduran Team will be competing in the 2nd Annual International Robotics Competition in Mexico City on August 16th.  See details at our “Honduras Robots” website.

Happy Student at Bilingual School

Happy Student at Bilingual School

Volunteer, Paul C, sitting with students

Volunteer, Paul C, sitting with students

Children’s Smiles Fill Our Hearts With Joy

By Laura Manship – General Director

Dr. Idalia Providing Dental Education

Dr. Idalia Providing Dental Education

Dear Education Donor:Happy Spring!  As the flowers bloom, so do the smiles on the faces of the children at Shoulder to Shoulder’s Bilingual School.  Now in the 3rd month of the school year, the children have settled in, and are doing the hard work of learning.

As always, our Volunteers are vital to our success.  One volunteer, Matt Tibbitts, is a great photographer and videographer.  He has made a number of videos for StS.  Please take a moment to watch Matt’s Facing the Future video:    I’m sure it will bring a SMILE to your face.

Why do the children at the Good Shepherd have such great smiles?  Because thanks to the hard work of Dr. Jan and Larry Tepe, every child in the school receives FREE dental care at Dr. Idalia Ramos’ dental clinic in Concepcion.

Thank you for your continued support of the Good Shepherd Bilingual School!

Keep smiling,


Donation of Toothbrushes Good Shepherd School

Donation of Toothbrushes Good Shepherd School