
Over the last couple of months Shoulder to Shoulder has a lot to be proud about in terms of the quality of medical services that we have provided to an isolated, and often neglected, people. We do this regularly, of course, by the contractual agreement we maintain with Honduras and the International Development Bank, providing ongoing care to over 65,000 persons on a daily basis. Still, that care is conditioned by the scarcity of resources. Our brigade teams from universities and other organizations augment that care by way of their generosity and commitment. Through February and March we have had nine brigades, and their efforts are best described as herculean. The overused adjective is awesome, though according to our experiences over the last two months, this adjective is clearly appropriate. Our first ever surgical brigade provided relief and healing to persons who had absolutely no hope for any attention to their discomfort and pain. Brown University partnered with Wingate University, School of Pharmacy to provide a level of care and treatment to the small village of Guachipilincito unparalleled in even the most developed areas of Honduras. Cleveland Clinic, Christ Church and pharmacy students from the University of Michigan literally changed the makeup of the small community of Camasca by arriving 34 strong, a sustained force for healing and wellbeing. Even mentioning these brigades, I do a disservice to the others who were equally impressive in their singular commitment to service in justice. I feel exceptionally privileged to witness all of this, and mostly I stand with my jaw agape knowing that I possess neither the skill nor the stamina to accomplish such awesome results.

Nursing Brigade at the Clinic
Nursing Brigade at the Clinic

Becoming so impressed by incredible undertakings, achieved with such professional talent and skill, it is easy to miss a more subtle offering of compassionate service. The University of Minnesota, School of Nursing, under the leadership of Dr. Marti Kubik, recently visited Santa Lucia and the surrounding small communities of that municipality. Like the other brigades, they too offered professional service and care of exceptional quality that impresses and astounds. The School of Nursing plans their service with great attention to the needs of the ongoing medical interventions that Shoulder to Shoulder will continue to offer once they have left. It is a very well thought out brigade, and very much meets with our mission and philosophy of providing sustainable, quality health care. Laura and I met up with them on their last day in Santa Lucia. They were offering trainings to health care volunteers who live in some of the remotest areas of our territories.

Health Volunteers Stretching
Health Volunteers Stretching

These volunteers are perhaps some of the most uncelebrated individuals within our health care system. They do not have job descriptions. They receive no compensation. They are provided very little by the way of training. They are placed very low on our organization structure. What they do have are hearts of compassion to be present to those suffering within their communities. On this day they were filled with gratitude as the nursing students recognized the importance of their presence and commitment. They had a workshop on nutrition and how to maintain healthy habits of living. They learned how to transfer persons having become physically challenged and dependent. They learned about end of life care. Watching this, I could almost physically note the aura of gratitude present among these humble, sincere volunteers. The integrity of their service met with the recognition from the nursing brigade of the value of their service. Whereas the particulars of what they learned in the trainings will most certainly benefit the persons they return to in their communities, the appreciation of who they are and what they do is the pearl of incalculable value.

Transferring Roll Play
Transferring Roll Play

Certainly we should all be impressed with the awesome undertakings of skilled professionals over the course of these last months. The quantifiable results of such herculean efforts should be celebrated in full voice. But let us not forget that things need not be extraordinary in order to be recognized and appreciated. Some middle-aged woman is sitting in an adobe hut with her neighbor who is in her last moments of life. She has few skills save for those that are born of a compassionate heart. Her presence and attention to her dying neighbor honors the value of her neighbor’s life and her own. The nursing brigade from the University of Minnesota is also honored and appreciated in the sacred exchange.

Never To Be The Same

If you follow these blogs you will know that the last blog featured MAHEC’s five person brigade in the small community of Camasca. They did excellent work, but their presence was subtle. Shortly after they left, Dr. Brent Burkey and the brigade he put together from Cleveland Clinic and Christ Church arrived in the same community of Camasca. This brigade was anything but subtle. When they agreed to add seven pharmacy students from the University of Michigan, the brigade totaled 34 persons. In this little town of Camasca, the presence of 35 North Americans speaking English does not go unnoticed. The 34 managed to stay at a church in the center of town, but the translators they hired needed to be housed in local homes. For the ten days they were here, Laura and I had a lot of fun just walking into the town and seeing them. They were all over the place, walking about in small groups, hanging out in the central plaza, and engaging the townspeople. For that short period of time it seemed as if Camasca had become Main Street, USA.

At the church
At the church

Of course they did so much more than just walk around and hang out. The medical teams went out in two groups every day to the smaller surrounding communities. They saw and treated patients, held health fairs, and established empowering relationships. The community service folks spent time every day at our bilingual school offering a day camp with music, storytelling, and art projects. They also involved themselves with projects in the town, the most prominent of which was the mural painting of the walls to the town’s sport center. For all of the brigade members, there was a spirit of joy and celebration that imbued their time with the people of Camasca. The town sponsored a welcome party. At the going away party everyone took part. The brigade members witnessed traditional Honduran music and dance while the town enjoyed some folk and perhaps a little rock and roll.

On the Road
On the Road

This celebratory spirit seemed to grow and transform the town. Perhaps the symbolic metaphor of that was the painting of the sport’s center wall. Bright colors replaced the chipped and faded paint and icons of faith, peace, service, and community were prominently displayed; a permanent gift of remembrance and hope. One particular project on the wall seemed particularly poignant. One late morning the children at the bilingual school were bussed down to the wall in small groups of four. Each child from the school and other children from the town got to dunk his or her hand into a can of paint and leave his or her impression against the wall. The hands formed a snaky trail along the wall. It expressed the wonder of the journey of life.


When people come to know one another, when they move beyond differences and fear, something truly wonderful occurs. Things get built, people get served, celebrations erupt, but most importantly the beauty of life is revealed. One of the young women on the brigade, a student at the University of Michigan, wrote a thank you note to the mayor Julio and his wife Iris. Iris and Julio have long been faithful and committed partners with the work of Shoulder to Shoulder. Iris shared with us the thank you note. The young woman writes, “It was an honor to have been able to come to your town and serve your people. I hope and pray that I can one day return to Camasca and see its beauty again.” Camasca is indeed beautiful, even more so now for having enjoyed the experience of finding new friends.

Symbols on the wall
Symbols on the wall

Photography courtesy of James McClintock

Don't Mind Us, We're Fine

Did you ever feel like you were getting lost in the shuffle?  Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) must have felt that way while they were visiting Camasca on their brigade a few weeks ago. They were here for two full weeks, doing amazing work, but we must apologize for not giving them a lot of attention. I feel like I need to put some effort in my excuse for being so inconsiderate. There were only five of them:  three physicians, one pharmacist, and one exceptionally talented fifteen-year old named Henry (son of Amy, one of the physicians). Five people can easily get lost, right? Besides, the whole time they were here, we had all sorts of other, bigger brigades coming and going.  Our first ever surgical brigade demanded a great deal of our attention. Not to mention Brown/Wingate in Guachipilincito, VCU/FFPCS in Pinares, and a dental brigade jumping back and forth between Concepcion and Santa Lucia. February was one tremendously busy month. So, if the five people who spent time in Camasca felt as if they were neglected, you are probably right, and we’re sorry. But no one ever complained.

MAHEC brigade at the bilingual school
MAHEC brigade at the bilingual school

Perhaps I’m being a bit hard on myself. Truly, these five individuals were not at all demanding. If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the quiet wheel simply turns unnoticed. The MAHEC brigade members unpretentiously arrived in town and checked into the local hotel. They got all their meals at the restaurant. Every day, they simply walked over to the health clinic or they spent some time at our bilingual school doing health screenings and playing with the kids. Henry, the fifteen year old who has fallen in love with the little town of Camasca, spent his days at the bilingual school. Henry was doing so well at the bilingual school that we were trying to sign him up as a volunteer. There’s that crazy little catch about having to finish High School.
Down time at the school
Down time at the school

He and his mom had been here before. MAHEC is very familiar with and well known by the town of Camasca. It wasn’t any big deal for them. I guess they just kind of blended in.  Their service was actually profound, but it was administered with such subtlety that it demanded no praise. I realize now why it was that the few times I had the fortune to visit with them I felt so relaxed. It was as if they were saying to me, “Look, just leave the special china in the cabinet. We’re good with the plastic ware.”  There’s an integrity in such service that we would all do well to emulate.
Henry with the kids
Henry with the kids

They seemed to do it all on their own with very little help from us. But lest you all think that we didn’t notice the amazing work you did, the beauty of the just relationships you committed yourselves to, and the special place you hold in the hearts of the people of Camasca and particularly the students at our bilingual school, we just want to say THANK YOU. I’m sure you’ll be back. Don’t forget to tell us when you’re coming.