Almost at the End of our First Year

By Laura Manship – Executive Director

Maria, her baby, and her hens

Maria, her baby, and her hens

It’s hard to believe — but we’re almost at the end of our first year of Hens Hatching Hope: Un Huevo Cada Dia.We started this project in January 2021.  This is what we have accomplished so far:

– 25 women, in 25 different communities, are raising hens

– 300 mothers take their children (6 months – 2 years) to monthly check ups at the health centers.  They receive a ticket for 30 free eggs.

– 300 children receive an egg a day through the project.

– Children’s heights and weights were taken in January 2021, July 2021, and again in January 2022.  We are working with a professor at the University of Southern Georgia, to analyze the data.

Currently, we are in the process of evaluating the year, and working on improvements we want to make for our second year.


We couldn’t have done it without our wonderful donors and supporters!

Help Carmen Purchase Hens

Carmen is a 48 year old widow.  Her husband died 5 years ago.  She has two older children, who moved to other parts of Honduras to find work.  That leaves Carmen alone with her 7 year old daughter.

Carmen’s older children live far away and have families of their own.  Carmen did not want to depend upon them.  So, 3 years ago, she borrowed money from her family to purchase a small pig and a few hens.  When the pig grew large enough, she sold it, and with the proceeds, she purchased another 2 pigs.  The eggs from the hens were sold to her neighbors.

Shoulder to Shoulder provided a $250 micro-loan to Carmen.  With that, she purchased 25 hens.  StS buys eggs from Carmen each month, so we can give 20 children “an egg a day.”  Carmen would like to purchase more hens, so she can sell the eggs to a local market.

If Carmen could purchase more hens, she could sell more eggs.  This would be a great help to her and her daughter.

Belinda’s Hens

Belinda is a 29 year old woman, with a husband and 3 daughters.  Her husband works as a laborer on a neighbor’s small plot of land.  For each day he works, he receives pay of $5.  But, the work is not steady…..there is only work for him about when the neighbor needs him. There are no other jobs available.

Belinda wanted to help the family, so she was excited when she heard about Shoulder to Shoulder’s “Hens Hatching Hope: Un Huevo Cada Dia” project.  StS provided Belinda with a $200 micro-loan, and she used the money to purchase 30 hens and build a wire enclosure to keep the hens contained.  With these hens, she provides 30 eggs per month to 20 children in the program.  Belinda is not selling eggs to anyone else.  Any eggs not purchased by StS (for the children enrolled in the program), are eaten by Belinda’s family.

Dear Donorfirst,

Belinda is a 29 year old woman, with a husband and 3 daughters.  Her husband works as a laborer on a neighbor’s small plot of land.  For each day he works, he receives pay of $5.  But, the work is not steady…..there is only work for him about when the neighbor needs him. There are no other jobs available.

Belinda wanted to help the family, so she was excited when she heard about Shoulder to Shoulder’s “Hens Hatching Hope: Un Huevo Cada Dia” project.  StS provided Belinda with a $200 micro-loan, and she used the money to purchase 30 hens and build a wire enclosure to keep the hens contained.  With these hens, she provides 30 eggs per month to 20 children in the program.  Belinda is not selling eggs to anyone else.  Any eggs not purchased by StS (for the children enrolled in the program), are eaten by Belinda’s family.

If Belinda could purchase more hens, she could sell more eggs.  This would be a great help to her family.