Each Egg Secures a Meal

We are halfway through the Little by Little campaign week. Thanks to GlobalGiving, when you donate up to $50, your generosity will be matched at 50%. Our goal is to raise 20 – $50 donations, each donation will provide half a year of eggs to a child. Each egg is so important and helps secure a meal to our participants.

Meet Lucia, she has 5 children of which 2 are in our program. Her family struggles to keep up financially with the growing bellies in her house. Lucia works in the community by watching and cleaning houses whose owners are away. She is one of the first to arrive at the monthly health check-ins and egg distributions. Lucia shares that it is so important for her family to come every month because there are days when there is little food in the house – except for the eggs provided by StS. Despite their food insecurity, Lucia is very creative in her use of eggs in daily meals: cooking pancakes, baleadas, soups and more.

Little By Little, your act of kindness makes a BIG difference in the lives of our Hens Hatching Hope children. Help us reach our goal of 20 – $50 donations to benefit more children for half a year. Each egg secures a meal-a day for 1 child. We cannot accomplish our goal without you.


Thank you for your time and generosity,

Mariela Rodriguez

Communications Coordinator