In-country volunteers are critically important to the vision and mission of Shoulder to Shoulder. With a generous and humble heart, they build new relationships of integrity and empowerment. This is at the very heart of our commitment to the people of the Frontera, Intibucá. New volunteers help all of us in the ongoing renewal of that commitment.
For context on StS's work and its programs, read our Brigade-Camasca Volunteer Handbook by clicking below
In Their Own Voices...
The best way to understand the experience of volunteering in a developing country is to hear from someone who has done it. Click on the tabs below for four experiences!

Nava came down to Camasca from Duke University to do a Public Health internship in 2017 and again with Harvard’s MPH program in 2023 as a medical student . Click below to read our blog on his work.

Matt has come down twice to Camasca and volunteered at the Good Shepherd Bilingual School in 2016 and 2017/2018. He left us with the gift of two videos (right). We think they are an honest reflection and a remarkable testament.

Dania, Eva and Katherine came down to Camasca from The Leadership Mission where young women learn English and business skills. The group volunteered at the Good Shepherd Bilingual School in 2020 and wrote a blog about their experience, click below to read it.

Ben has come down twice to Camasca and volunteered at the Good Shepherd Bilingual School in 2016 and 2019. He gave an interview online for, click below to read it.